Also text could be used to digitally show the date and time. The next step is to add narrow arcs for the minutes and hours. The arc positioning is a little backwards, 0 degrees is at 3o’clock and then goes counter-clockwise. The itemconfig method is then used to change the starting position of seconds hand arc ( C.itemconfig( asec,start=arcstart) ). The key point is to get the id of the seconds hand arc ( asec). # Have the second hand start at the top (90 deg) with 1 deg arcĪsec = C.create_arc(coord, start=90, extent=1, width=3) # Create a canvas object with an oval face and a second handĬ = Tkinter.Canvas(top, bg="silver", height=250, width=300) #Reposition the second hand starting positionĬ.itemconfig(asec,start=arcstart) #pass the new start position